
Welcome to the Step-By-Step Getting Started Guide! documentation

The Dashboard is used to view all your text logs, screenshots, and video recording for your entire Selenium tests using SpecFlow Selenium C#. The desired browser and platform capabilities used for automation testing are generated using the LambdaTest capabilities generator. Such a tool will make your development process a lot more streamlined, and will save your entire team from both wasted time and frustration.

what is specflow used for

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Enhance Your Automated Tests with SpecFlow

This SpecFlow Tutorial for beginners and professionals will help you learn how to use SpecFlow framework with Selenium C# for performing Selenium automation testing. In the above example, the results for the LambdaTest search should appear in the current window. In the above example, the user should enter the search term – LambdaTest in the search box. Given – Given in Gherkin is akin to Arrange in a unit test. It describes a set of pre-conditions for the scenario.

what is specflow used for

Now that the Feature file is created, we add the Feature & Scenario information in it. Scenario is broken-down into multiple scenario steps by making use of the Gherkin keywords i.e. Once the project is set up, we install the necessary packages required for executing the code. The above example makes use of the most frequently used keywords in Gherkin i.e. The other keywords used in Gherkin feature files are – Feature, Scenario, And, and But.

How To Write BDD Scenarios?

Acceptance tests in SpecFlow follow the BDD paradigm of defining specifications with examples, so that they are also easily understood by non-technical users. Acceptance tests can then be tested automatically as needed, while their specification serves as a living documentation of the system. SpecFlow integrates with Visual Studio, but can be also used from the command line (e.g. on a build server). SpecFlow has a range of other products under the SpecFlow+ product range. These products add additional functionalities to SpecFlow, such as a Gherkin editor , advanced reporting and much more. Behavior Driven Development is sort of an extension of TDD .

what is specflow used for

The first time you use one of our products, you will be asked to sign in with your Microsoft account and set up your SpecFlow account. Once you have set up your free SpecFlow account, you can use it to sign in all SpecFlow+ products. Microsoft is the only supported platform to use to sign-up for a SpecFlow account.

Set Up SpecFlow with Selenium in Visual Studio

To get a more typesafe API, you can use the extension methods in SpecFlow.Assist namespace. SpecFlow is open source and covers all your basic needs for managing, automating and testing specifications by example. SpecFlow+ is a series of extensions that introduce additional features, such as the Gherkin editorfor Gherkin specifications, and living documentation. We only ask your to register for a free account using a free Microsoft account.

  • Acceptance tests in SpecFlow follow the BDD paradigm of defining specifications with examples, so that they are also easily understood by non-technical users.
  • SpecFlow.Tools.MsBuild.Generation package is required in SpecFlow 3 to generate code-behind the files.
  • For local Selenium testing, you should have the corresponding Selenium WebDriver installed in the machine.
  • For cucumber expression matching rules please check the cucumber expressions page.
  • Using SpecFlow, users can write tests in Gherkin language, which is a structured language that uses natural language syntax to describe the expected behavior of a software application.

SpecFlow uses the official Gherkin parser, which supports over 70 languages. These tests are then tied to your application code using so-called bindings, allowing you to execute the tests using the testing framework of your choice. You can also execute your tests using SpecFlow’s own dedicated test runner, SpecFlow+ Runner.


To go to a Step Definition, just right click on the Scenario Step and select “Go To Step Definition”. The next important step in this SpecFlow tutorial is to create Step Definitions for each Scenario Step that is present in the Feature file. For generating the Step Definitions, just Right Click on the Scenario Steps and select ‘Generate Step Definitions’. To get started, we have to create a new project named ToDoApp of type “Class Library” with the .Net Framework 4.5.2 support. In case, .Net Framework 4.5.2 is not installed in your machine, you can download the same for Windows 10 from here.

We are excited to announce that SpecFlow 3.8 is finally publicly released. The biggest new feature we added in this version is a dedicated API for additional output for your scenarios. 2) Copy the auto-generated code and paste in respected file of a step definition. Below what is specflow used for are the steps to generate the step definition is specflow. Suppose, We need to write a test scenario where we need to execute the same scenario multiple times with different data in each execution. A scenario is a collection of test steps to perform an activity.

I have a feature request; where can I submit it?

In the above example, the precondition is that the user should be on the DuckDuckGo home page. Gherkin a simple language which is easily understood by the human. These will match to the parameters of the step definition method. Can be automated with a single step definition, with ‘Domain’ and ‘Communication’ as parameters. Therefore we’d like to send the installation guide to your inbox so you can install it on your desktop. Seamlessly integrate the BDD framework into your existing tools and processes.

Depending on the size of your project, this may take a while. We are always happy to see projects that extend SpecFlow’s feature set, and SpecFlow is open source to specifically encourage such contributions from the community. We have however reserved the rights to the name “SpecFlow” as well as the official SpecFlow logo.

Is it a good practice to have a separate Step Definition file

SpecFlow is an open-source testing framework that enables behavior-driven development for .NET applications. It allows developers to write automated acceptance tests in a natural language format that is easily understood by all members of the project team, including non-technical stakeholders. SpecFlow allows .NET development teams to define, manage and execute automated acceptance tests as business readable specifications. SpecFlow is based on Gherkin language and aims to bridge the communication gap between domain experts and developers.


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